It is a serious criminal offence to possess, make, import or supply an objectionable publication. Objectionable publications include child pornography; recordings featuring very high levels of violence or publications that have been classified as objectionable by the Chief Censor.
Footage of the Christchurch mosque shootings was recently classified as an objectionable publication, making it unlawful to possess or share that footage.
Prosecutions for possessing objectionable publications are usually conducted by the Department of Internal Affairs or the New Zealand Customs Service.
A conviction for possessing or sharing objectionable publications can have significant consequences, the maximum penalty for making an objectionable publication is 14 years imprisonment.
Other consequences of a conviction for possessing or sharing an objectionable publication can include registration on a government administered sexual offender register.
I have defended a number of clients facing charges related to objectionable publications. I have acted in objectionable publication appeals to the High Court and Court of Appeal.
My office has had extensive dealings with the Office of the Chief Censor.
If you are being investigated or prosecuted for using, possessing, sharing or importing objectionable publications contact me for confidential legal advice.